Eric Arezza
About Career Education Skills Projects Interests


Me at the Eiffel Tower

I extract information and reveal insights from all kinds of data! My main interests include data science, statistical analysis, machine learning, and computational tools - especially used in the context of biomedical applications.

Currently residing in Ottawa, ON, Canada, I work as a Bioinformatics Analyst performing bioinformatics data processing and analysis at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. More specifically, I am supporting the Dilworth Lab and Megeney Lab in studying the epigenetics of stem cells.

Professional Career

cells fluorescent microscopy

Bioinformatics Analyst

OHRI logo

March 2022 - Present
The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, ON

Providing high-throughput genomics data processing and analysis for stem cell epigenetics research.

fiber optics

Teaching & Research Assistant

January 2020 - May 2022
Carleton University, Ottawa, ON

Examined computational methods for predicting protein-protein interactions with the cuBIC lab, supervised by Dr. James Green.
Proctored student learning workshops and evaluated assignments.

Me working with lasers on the lab bench

Research Student

Gastops Ltd.

September 2017 - November 2018
Gastops Ltd, Gloucester, ON

Investigated hardware improvements for machinery diagnostics product (ChipCHECK) using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy.
Conducted high-power laser experiments for data collection.

fiber optics

Optical Network Tester


January 2017 - August 2017
Nokia, Kanata, ON

Automated feature testing of optical network devices (1830 PSD) and compatibility using Python and API in compliance with device specifications.

Academic Education

Me at bachelor graduation

Master of Applied Science in Biomedical Engineering
with Specialization in Data Science

January 2020 - May 2022
Carleton University, Ottawa, ON

Graduated - see my thesis here!

Me at bachelor graduation

Bachelor of Information Technology
with Advanced Diploma in Photonics and Laser Technology

September 2014 - May 2019
Carleton University & Algonquin College, Ottawa, ON

Graduated with High Distinction, COOP, and Awarded the University Medal in Information Technology

Skill Set & Experience


Computers & Software

Check out my GitHub!

Programming (Windows & Linux):

  • Python
  • R
  • Bash/shell
  • Experience with C/C++, Javascript, Java, and others

Bioinformatics Tools:

  • FASTQC & MultiQC
  • Samtools & Picard
  • Cutadapt
  • Bowtie2 & Hisat2
  • DiffBind, DESeq2 & edgeR
  • Scanpy & Seurat

Other Tools:

  • Git
  • Slurm
  • Anaconda + virtualenv package management
  • Visual Studio Code, Spyder, RStudio, and other IDEs



  • Identifying relevant sources of literature
  • Documentation & report writing
  • Presentation with PowerPoints
  • Organization of data and file management

Experimental Design

  • Hypothesis testing, evaluation, and classification metrics & errors
  • Sampling, probability distributions, and variable assignment
  • Statistics, significance/confidence testing, within and between sample comparisons

Publication Contributions:


Machine Learning & Data Analysis

  • Data collection, inspection, and cleaning
  • Generating visualizations
  • Feature design and engineering
  • Model creation and parameter testing
  • Evaluation of prediciton performance
  • Communicating results and delivering actionable insights


Bulk High-Throughput (Next-Generation) Sequencing:

  • Quality control
  • Trimming
  • Genome alignment
  • Normalizing coverage
  • Peak calling
  • Generating count matrices
  • Differential analysis of binding sites and gene expression
  • Annotating regions (gene mapping, GO, KEGG)

Single-Cell Analysis:

  • QC and filtering
  • UMAP & tSNE plots
  • Cell clustering
  • Differential gene expression analysis
  • Identifying & annotating clusters
  • Pseudotime & trajectory analysis

Personal Projects

House rental

Canadian Rentals Analysis


Analyze real ad listings in Canadian cities and obtain market insights.


Kijiji is chosen as a popular website for ad postings.
Python is used for data scraping and wrangling:

  • Collection/extraction with Requests and parsed with Beautiful Soup
  • Processing/transformation/cleaning with Pandas and NumPy
  • Visualization presented with Power be polished and published...

Preliminary Results:

Raw example of initial timepoint collection is ongoing and dashboard reports to be developed...


Computer Vision Security Camera


Monitor and report room intrusions when I'm absent.


Raspberry Pi with external webcam for lightweight, standalone, and continuous operation.
Python is used for machine learning models implementation:

  • Object detection with OpenCV and TensorFlow Lite
  • Model used is the EfficientDet-Lite0 pre-trained on the COCO dataset


Successfully detects when a person is in the room through real-time video and takes time-stamped snapshots of intrusion events.
Example from early testing:



Candidly me

Learning new skills such as:

  • Making this webpage
  • 3D modeling and printing
  • DIY crafts and electronics
  • Playing piano

I also enjoy:

  • Playing guitar
  • Exercising at the gym
  • Going for bike rides
  • Playing video games
  • Drawing, painting, and crafts
  • Cooking, baking, and - of course - eating new recipes